ECIJA Advisory Offices
Strengthened by ECIJA’s global presence in Spain, Portugal and more than 15 Latin American countries, our ECIJA Advisory arm also has offices in key locations around the world.
Our offices
Offices in Spain
Madrid Office:
Calle Poeta Joan Maragall 3, 1º I 28020 Madrid.
Valencia Office:
Av. del Oeste nº 29- 1º -1ª 46001 Valencia.
Sevilla Office:
Av. Eduardo Dato 69, 7ª Edificio Galia Nervión 41005 Sevilla.
Bilbao Office:
Gran Vía de Don Diego López de Haro, 19-21, 2º 48001 Bilbao.
Offices in Latin America
Chile Office:
Avda. Apoquindo 3669, Piso 13, Las Condes Santiago.
Colombia Office:
Carrera 7 #73-55 Oficina 1001 Bogotá, D.C.